Unlock your body’s self-healing potential in a special Sound Healing Journey, facilitated by Three Trees, a leading authority and pioneer in the field.
With over 20 years of Sound Healing experience, Three Trees will take us on a journey that
alchemizes contemporary and ancient sound healing techniques, blending tribal drumming,
gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls, didgeridoo, native flutes, voice, and more. This is live-looped
through a full sound system, so the entire body vibrates with healing frequencies. Rest and
rejuvenate the mind, nervous system, and physical and energetic body; and relax into a feeling of oneness as you commune with the sacred.
Prepare for an experience unlike anything else.

SoulMonic Sound Healing Benefits include:
Increased oxygen in the cells
Lower blood pressure and heart rate
Increased lymphatic circulation
Increase in melatonin and release of endorphins
Unlocking the body’s self-healing potential
Re-setting one’s physical and energetic systems
Receiving inner guidance and insight

Three Trees is a lifetime musician and a craftsman of drums, didgeridoos, and native flutes, with
30+ years studying the mystic and Shamanic arts, West African and Mid-Eastern drumming, and
healing. He’s offered sound healings at retreats and conferences, with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe
Dispenza, and many more.
Born and raised in Michigan before living in Sedona, AZ for 16 years, Three Trees now resides in the beautiful Berkshires.

For more information go to http://www.threetreessedona.com/

Price: $60 (cash, check or Venmo)

To make a reservation, email rgardner40@yahoo.com, or leave a message at 860-435-4844