Sheffield Yoga Studio Class Schedule
Nina’s Tuesday, December 31st, 9:30-10:45am and Wednesday, January 2nd, 12:00-1:30pm classes are cancelled
SUNDAY: 10:00-11:30am in studio and online (All Levels Flow) with Rosemary |
10:30-11:45am in studio and online (Basics) with Rosemary |
9:30-10:45am in studio (Beginner/Basics Level) with Nina |
11:15am-12:30pm in studio and online (Free the Spine) with Rosemary |
WEDNESDAY: 10:00-11:30am in studio and online (Free the Hips) with Rosemary |
12:00-1:30pm alignment-based yoga in studio with Nina (Basics/General Level) |
11:00am-12:15pm online only with Rosemary |
11:00am-12:00pm in studio and online (Chair Yoga) with Rosemary |
3:30-4:45pm online only (Hips and Spine Restorative) with Rosemary |
SATURDAY: 10:00-11:30am in studio and on line (Free the Hips/Spine/Neck/Shoulders) with Rosemary |
Carol Iancu’s classes are on hold.
Rosemary Nelson practices TriYoga-style yoga, which uses both flowing and sustained postures.
Nina Echegaray practices alignment-based yoga
Carol Almas Iancu offers slow flow classes focused on alignment, energy, and breath; as well as yin, restorative and meditation yoga.
Each instructor is independent of the studio, and is paid directly. Though subject to change, at this time all teachers charge $20 for drop-ins and offer class passes.