Misha Forrester’s interest in body-centered work and self-use of the body in sensing, feeling, and attention has led her to the research of various types of movement processes, analysis, and body-conditioning techniques for over thirty years. She is a Guild-certified Feldenkrais Teacher/Practitioner and Bones-for-Life teacher, and a licensed massage therapist with specialized focuses in cancer/lymphatic drainage and neurological and orthopedic conditions. For the past decade she has been the New England Regional Representative of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America, and most recently the government relations liaison for FGNA in Massachusetts, which includes speaking to legislators regarding the right-to-practice. Additionally, she was the administrator for the Boston#3 Feldenkrais Training which recently concluded. She is on the Board of FENE—Feldenkrais Education of New England, a 501(c)3 organization. She has a private practice in Great Barrington, MA.